Trading financial instruments involves high risks due to the fluctuation in their value and prices, large losses exceeding your initial investment may incur rapidly. Past performance of an investment is not an indication of its performance in the future. Please ensure you fully understand the risks of trading the respective financial instruments before engaging in any transactions with us. Please read ourClient AgreementandRisk Disclosureto learn more.

Why Trade Forex ?

24 hour access

24-hours Market

The global forex market operates 24/5, enabling traders to trade major currencies at any time. This flexibility allows traders to manage their schedules freely and enter or exit positions whenever they choose.

Lower Trading Cost

At Doo Financial, you can enjoy low funding costs when trading.​

low transaction cost

High Leverage Options

Forex trading lets traders use leverage to control larger positions with less capital. With Doo Financial's 1:500 leverage, investors can trade $25,000 worth of forex with just $50, offering greater profit potential.

High Liquidity

The foreign exchange market is renowned for its daily trading volume of $6 trillion and the highest global liquidity. Concentration on a few major currencies allows traders unrestricted opportunities regardless of trade size, time, or market entry and exit constraints.


Explore Global Investment Opportunities

One Click to Invest Globally

At Doo Financial, you can invest in Precious Metals, Forex, Commodities, and Futures with just one account.​

One Click to Invest Globally
One Click to Invest Globally

Start Your Trading Journey with 4 Easy Steps


Click on “Register” and enter your details to sign up.


Complete the verification process and your account will be activated immediately.


Deposit your funds to our segregated bank account.​


Kickstart your first global trading journey.

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