Trading financial instruments involves high risks due to the fluctuation in their value and prices, large losses exceeding your initial investment may incur rapidly. Past performance of an investment is not an indication of its performance in the future. Please ensure you fully understand the risks of trading the respective financial instruments before engaging in any transactions with us. Please read ourClient AgreementandRisk Disclosureto learn more.

Doo Financial, Embrace Investment Potential

Doo Financial Futures, part of the Doo Group, offers professional online brokerage services, including futures, and CFDs, to global investors. PT Doo Financial Futures, based in Jakarta's CBD, is a regulated futures broker under BAPPEBTI, ensuring secure and compliant trading.

low trading cost and multi-language services

Regulatory Licenses

As a leading online brokerage, Doo Financial is licensed by regulatory authorities in major global financial centers, including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (US SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (US FINRA) in the U.S., the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (UK FCA), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (AU ASIC), the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (HK SFC), the Monetary Authority of Singapore (SG MAS), and Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI) in Indonesia. These licenses ensure that we provide secure and trustworthy financial services worldwide.

offers MT4 and MT5 to trade CFDs products

Our Trading Products

Doo Financial, is a brand encompassing investment services offered by various legal entities within the Doo Group. These entities are online brokers that offer global brokerage services in trading securities, futures, funds, bonds, Pre-IPO & IPO placing, and many other financial instruments to investors. Diversified investment products provide investors with the flexibility to navigate various market conditions, empower them to steadily pursue the investment objectives in the global market while effectively managing risks.


Leverage global diversified financial markets to achieve consistent and robust investment performance

Doo Prime aims to serve global traders and make trading easier


To be recognized as a global leading online broker with Fintech as its core

Doo Prime aims to become a leading financial technology broker

Core Values

Doo Prime provides a safe and easy trading environment for customers

Client Success

We prioritize our clients' interests by delivering safe, reliable, and convenient investment services across global financial assets.

Doo Prime believes that the safety of customers' capital is essential


As a financial company, we understand that ensuring the safety of our clients' assets is our top responsibility. This commitment reflects our unwavering dedication to core values.

Doo Prime believes that innovation can enhance the company

Embracing Innovation

We believe in the transformative power of financial technology to revolutionize the financial industry. By embracing innovation and driving continuous progress, we remain committed to moving forward.

Doo Prime provides a safe and easy trading environment for customers

Client Success

We always put the interests of customers first, and adhere to provide customers with safe, reliable, and convenient global trading services.

Doo Prime believes that the safety of customers' capital is essential


As a financial company, we understand that ensuring the safety of our clients' assets is our top responsibility. This commitment reflects our unwavering dedication to core values.

Doo Prime believes that innovation can enhance the company

Embracing Innovation

We are convinced that financial technology will bring revolutionary changes to the financial industry undoubtedly. Thus, we will embrace innovation, continue to innovate, and move forward assuredly.

Global Vision, Looking to the Future

Doo Financial has offices in major financial centers, and has a global business to help you steadily move toward the global market

Doo Prime has more than 21,000 customer

200,000+Global Active Clients

Doo Prime has more than 20 institutional partners

250+Institutional Partners

Doo Prime has more than 500 staff in our group organizations

1,000+Group Employees

Doo Prime has more than 21,000 customer

200,000+Global Active Clients

Doo Prime has more than 20 institutional partners

250+Institutional Partners

Doo Prime has more than 500 staff in our group organizations

1,000+Group Employees

One Click to Invest Globally

At Doo Financial, you can invest in Precious Metals, Forex, Commodities, and Futures with just one account.​

One Click to Invest Globally
One Click to Invest Globally

Start Your Trading Journey with 4 Easy Steps


Click on “Register” and enter your details to sign up.


Complete the verification process and your account will be activated immediately.


Deposit your funds to our segregated bank account.​


Kickstart your first global trading journey.

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